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Watching how Manny Pacquiao was robbed of his boxing title by the three judges who scored the fight, I immediately googled their names and was surprised to know they were Helen K. , Ray C. and the Blind Swordman.  Of the three, I didn’t find any derogatory remark about the Blind Swordman, maybe because he came from the Rising Sun, who values competency more than anything else.

Ray C. has a history of controversial decisions like the fight between Foreman and Moorer, where he had Moorer ahead by a point after the nine rounds despite being severely battered by Foreman.  Had Foreman not knocked him out, the Cooking giant would have lost on the scorecard from Ray C. Similarly, in the Hopkins-Taylor match, Ray C. gave the nod to challenger Taylor, who like Bradley felt he hadn’t done enough to beat Hopkins, but with a blind judge, he got the crown from Hopkins, the same way Bradley stole the crown from Pacquiao.

Helen K. was supposed to be an neutral judge but she ended up being neutered by her incompetency. She was out of touch in the sports games, glued to her iPad feeling with her fingers  a different game, maybe the Clash of the Titans instead of  writing down points on her score sheet.  So when it was time to score, she had Bradley winning on almost all the points. 

For as long as the Boxing World will continue to put blind judges in the ring, they will continue to be seeing different games much darker from the decisions they are making.  What a way to treat a boxing legend in the person of Manny Pacquiao, who had brought fame and honors to the boxing world and who has elevated the dying status of boxing to where it is now as never seen before, by stripping him off his title in a fight millions around the world saw he was undoubtedly the winner.

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